Return to the Home Country – Or ‘Look to Lesser Linen’

Karima Brooke

You’re still under age, a juvenile,
‘returned’ to Extremadura, a home
you never knew, far from Chilterns’ motorways
or wildest, wet and windy Wales.

Negative for avian influenza,
your DNA’s entered in a database,
a tag – not electronic – put on your leg,
voice recorded for research purposes

The plan:
come February, you get a mate,
dancing and whirling in courtship ritual,
the international language of desire.
Then, find a nest, maybe in evergreen oak.

You don’t build from scratch, that’s not your forte –
anyone’s abandoned structure will do.

Pad it out with bark, leaves, wool, twigs.
You are the original shantytown bird.

Decorating the nursery, that’s where
you excel: flamenco dancer’s hair clip;
thong cast aside in hasty human pairing –
your taste for underwear is notorious.

And, pièce-de-résistance, a cuddly toy
dropped by tourist child from speeding car,
with paper from an Olá ice lolly.
Now you feel at home, deported Red Kite!

Red Kite over Bernwood Meadows, Buckinghamshire 
From Wikimedia Commons, Photo by Charles J Sharp 

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 521 • September 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

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