In Praise of Shallow Silence

Stephen Yeo

Photo by SL Granum

… right ear cocked,
same-side eye not quite looking
as a tentative bird approaches another

he pecks for the quick
of silence.

Garden gravel, limpid puddle
to weekly meeting, where

Friends sit, four square
– a tight, unbroken ocean –
making love, from nothing.

They look, he sees
not at each other’s eyes, but with.

Around such a well
everyone equal
through lens and iris to pupil.

Old buckets on worn-out velvet ropes
go much too deep.

Lids close.
Within such waters, ear lobes
look like fins.

Him, him, It, us, us
but when is we?

Leonard? Anna?
A guide-dog
slurps his water.

Two clicks.
The thermostat at last, or
was it the electric clock?

Ecstatic rummaging,
deep inside a leather bag
someone touching keys, then coins?

India-paper pages
leafed through
crackle like straw, catching fire.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 524 • December 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers

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