Living on the Edge – an OxFAP Update

Charles Worth
for the
OxFAP Committee

If you are fleeing from domestic abuse, you can’t take much with you. Two of OxFAP’s recent requests for funding were from mothers with children who are now attempting to start a new life. What are the essentials needed now? One has asked for kitchen and cooking equipment, and the other for a bed and bedding. Helping to provide basics like these can make a positive difference to people who find themselves living on the edge.

These were two of the six grants made in a week in June. The others? Three were for people who have been street-homeless and are now needing clothes. The other was for a washing machine for a family who have been forced to move because their previous accommodation has been condemned.

This was a typical OxFAP week. In the month of May OxFAP allocated nearly £7000 in 38 applications. All of this tells us a lot about poverty and need in our city.

The support and generosity of Friends enables our Meeting to respond promptly and appropriately to these requests and we know that this is greatly valued by social workers and case workers in the local agencies we relate to. A special thank you to Anthea Richards for donating all the money she raised at the Artweeks exhibition in the Meeting House to OxFAP!

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 531 • July 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers

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