Monthly Appeal July 2023

Making EMDR and Energy Therapies more Accessible in Oxford

Sandra Figgess

  • “I am kinder to myself and more understanding of myself. I felt cared about as a human being for the first time.”
  • “I feel a lot more resilient; I have a lot more ability to self-soothe and cope in healthier ways, I felt quite empowered.”
  • “I have a real sense of power and autonomy over my own life and that feels very freeing. MEET in Oxford is amazing, it has been nothing short of life changing.” 
  • “The service is excellent, brilliant – I would recommend it to anyone with trauma. MEET has the expertise to help people deal with their trauma.”

 – MEET Clients at end of therapy.

MEET in Oxford was founded in 2014 by three members of Oxford Meeting who offered two innovative forms of trauma focused therapy (EMDR and Energy Psychotherapy) at very low cost, using rooms at 43 St Giles which were offered to us free of cost by the Meeting. You can find out more about MEET and the therapies we offer on our website

Since then, we first expanded our therapy team by recruiting other Oxford based fully qualified therapists willing to work pro bono in exchange for the opportunity to develop their confidence in using these new therapies.

Later, Covid provided us with both challenges and opportunities as therapy over Zoom became possible and we were able to recruit therapists from all over the country, while keeping our client base to Oxfordshire. Fortunately, by this point we had received a one-off unexpected legacy which allowed us to recruit Ana Novacovic as an extremely efficient part time coordinator who developed our website and office systems and has helped to hold together this widely dispersed small charity.

We have good working relationships with other Oxford organisations who refer or signpost clients to us and see us as the go to organisation for trauma therapy in Oxfordshire… which is a big ask for a tiny organisation! The initial legacy will run out shortly and we are needing to find new strands of ongoing income to maintain and develop the service.  Ana has just retired, and we are glad to welcome Nicola Holmes Brown, who also works for the Elmore team and already knows well the Oxfordshire voluntary and statutory organisations.

How you can donate to MEET in Oxford:

Click on the Donate Button on our website to make a donation.

Make a payment to our Co-op bank account.

Sort Code 08-92-99
Account Number 65870194

Write a cheque to ‘MEET in Oxford’ and put it in an envelope in the MEET pigeonhole in the lobby of 43 St Giles.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 531 • July 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers

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