Quaker Question and Answer – Charles Worth

Who, when, where, and why – are you?
Londoner, son of Anglican priest and ecumenical mother. Teacher, educator, learner. Husband, father, grandfather.

Do you have a memory that brings you comfort in times of hardship?
I imagine I’m sitting in a chair in a Yorkshire farmhouse where we have often stayed. I’m looking out of the window at a glorious view right down Wensleydale.

How long, if you are, have you been a Quaker (or attender)?
I first fell among Quakers about fifteen years ago. I’m a late developer.

What brings you joy?
The first brimstone butterfly in the garden. Welcoming refugees.

Do you have a passage from QF&P that you would like to draw Friends attention to?
I love the chapter on Faithful Lives. William Dent, 18.11, was a generous introvert and Lucy Harris, 18.17, an awesome extravert.

What was the last book that you read?
Sebastian Barry’s latest novel, Old God’s Time. Searing memories of the church’s abuse of children in Ireland – harrowing but also beautiful.

What would you say to someone coming to MfW for the first time?
Welcome, friend.

Can you describe what Quakerism is to you?
The marriage of the spiritual and the political feels like home.

If you could do anything, what would you do?
Empower climate activists around the world to succeed in their work of transitioning to just societies and a sustainable planet.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 529 • May 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW


Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers

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