Oxford Friends Action on Poverty (OxFAP)

We have thought and felt deeply about the disgrace that there is poverty in our wealthy country.



OxFAP is a committee that administers small grants on behalf of Oxford Quaker Meeting. It is one way in which Oxford Quakers respond to poverty in Oxford.

Many needs arise from gaps in the benefit and support systems. Some groups are particularly disadvantaged, such as people coming out of homelessness, families in poverty, vulnerable migrants with no recourse to public funds and ex-prisoners struggling to make a new life.

Examples of recent grants are:

A cooker for a family who had been rehoused because of domestic abuse

  • Warm winter clothes for a recently discharged prisoner
  • A laptop enabling a refugee to access education and counselling, and to communicate with family and friends
  • All OxFAP’s work is done by volunteers and without overheads, meaning that every penny donated goes to help the people in need.

How we determine the allocation of our grants:

Our catchment area covers Oxford City, Kennington, Botley and Kidlington.

We make donations through an agency or organisation working alongside the person or family needing help; we don’t give funds directly to the individual(s). The organisations include Elmore Community Services, Asylum Welcome, Edge Housing, the Probation Service, Citizens Advice Bureau, and Family Centres in Barton, Rosehill, and Blackbird Leys.

We do not administer any sort of means test. Because we understand that the needs are urgent, we aim to consider and process an application as speedily as possible, usually within a few days of receipt. However, please note that OxFAP does not make repeat grants in respect of the same individual.

Download the OxFAP leaflet (2023)

If you are an agency interested in receiving a grant, please click this link: Requesting a Grant from OxFAP.

If you would like to support the work of OxFAP through a single or regular donation, please click this link: Donating to OxFAP.

Oxford Local Quaker Meeting
43 St Giles’
United Kingdom

Phone 01865 557373

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Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Great Britain